The Volumetrics Diet is a weight-loss program that focuses on portion control. It's based on the concept that you can eat more food and still lose weight if it's low in calories and high in volume.

This is because foods that are high in volume but low in calories (such as fruits and vegetables) fill you up without adding many calories to your diet.
The Volumetrics Diet isn't considered a fad diet, since it doesn't require you to restrict any particular type of food or follow an unrealistic menu plan. In fact, this approach encourages eating real foods instead of processed ones—and even helps you build healthy habits for life!
The Volumetrics Diet focuses on how the food you eat can affect satiety (the feeling of being satisfied) rather than just calories and fat content.
The Volumetrics diet is all about eating high-volume foods that fill you up without packing on the pounds. The following are some examples of high-volume foods:
Fruits and vegetables
Beans and legumes
Whole grains, especially those with a higher fiber content like oatmeal or brown rice
Fiber-rich breakfast cereals packed with nutrients like whole grain flakes (but be careful to check the label for added sugar!)
Diet focuses on eating the right amount of food, not just the right type. This approach has been proven to be more effective in helping people lose weight than other popular diets like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem.
One of the most notable benefits of this diet is that it helps you feel full faster, so you can eat smaller portions without feeling hungry. In fact, studies have shown that people who follow this plan eat less than those who don’t use it.
Another big advantage is that the Volumetrics Diet encourages you to eat a variety of foods while limiting calories and fat intake each day—a practice known as calorie density reduction (CDR). This makes it easier for dieters to stick with their meal plans because they don’t get bored or hungry when they hit major roadblocks along their weight loss journeys—which often happens when trying other types of diets such as Paleo or Atkins where there aren't many choices besides meat or vegetables.
Whole grains
Whole grains are a good source of fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full. Fiber also keeps your blood sugar levels steady and prevents spikes in blood sugar that can result in hunger pangs. Whole grains are also a good source of B vitamins, which help convert food into energy and keep your energy level consistent throughout the day. They’re also rich in magnesium, which helps regulate blood-sugar levels.
Fiber-rich breakfast cereals
High fiber cereals are the perfect breakfast food, since they're low in calories and high in volume.
These cereals contain nutrients such as complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, which help you feel full longer and control hunger better. They also help your digestive system function more efficiently!
Low-fat fish
Include fish in your diet. Fish is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Choose low-fat fish. Examples include anchovies, herring and salmon (limit to 6 ounces per week).
Avoid shellfish. They have a high mercury content that may be harmful to your health.
Lean meats
Lean meats. Lean meats are a great source of protein and vitamins, but they're also low in calories. Some common examples include chicken breast, turkey breast, lean cuts of beef such as sirloin steak or filet mignon (aka the most tender cut from the cow), pork loin chops and other cuts that come from around the pig's rib cage (which is where some pork lovers say it's best).
The Volumetrics Diet is a meal-replacement plan. This means that you will have to prepare your meals ahead of time, because once you're finished eating, that's it! You can't go back for seconds or thirds or fourths.
The good news is that the Volumetrics Diet doesn't call for you to give up many foods. And if you like cooking, there's some flexibility here: You can prepare large batches of food at once and freeze them (or save them in the refrigerator) so that they’re ready when hunger strikes.
Planning meals ahead of time may seem like an inconvenience, but it pays off in two ways: First, it makes sure that everything is fresh and healthy; second, planning ahead allows for better budgeting—and who doesn't want fewer trips to the grocery store?
By making sure all meals are balanced with protein as well as carbohydrates and fat, this diet helps prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes while still keeping hunger satisfied longer than other weight loss plans might allow by themselves.
The Volumetrics Diet works by teaching you to eat your favorite foods in moderation while still losing weight! The key is choosing low-density foods so that even though a serving may be larger than normal (for example two cups of spinach instead of just one), it still has fewer calories per unit weight than other types of food such as pasta or rice which tend to fill more space but contain less nutrition per cup size.
The Volumetrics Diet is a great way to lose weight and feel full. This can be helpful if you want to lose weight or just eat better without feeling hungry all the time!
The program helps people understand their hunger cues so they can make better choices about what they eat throughout the day without feeling deprived. Hope this article was helpful and you do want to try to start out, if you have any medical conditions remember to talk to your doctor before starting the diet.
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by Barbara Rolls PhD (Author), Mindy Hermann (Author)