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Top Five Ways People Sleep

Writer: Travel To SleepTravel To Sleep

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

When you're looking for sleep, it's easy to think that there's only one way to do it. That's not the case. The truth is, there are many ways people can sleep and some people prefer certain sleeping positions over others. In this blog post, we'll take a look at five common sleeping positions and their pros and cons.

The Side Sleeper

Lady sleeping on the side

Sleeping on your side is the most common way of sleeping, and it's easy to see why. It's the easiest way to fall asleep, and people find it the most comfortable position. The side sleeper will often sleep with one arm draped across their body for support or comfort. They can also be found sleeping at an angle with one leg bent up in front of them, which makes this a good position for those who spend long hours sitting during the day but need to rest their feet after a long day of walking around (and standing!).

The best thing about sleeping on your side is that you're getting an adequate amount of blood flow throughout your body while still being able to breathe easily while snoozing away peacefully during those precious moments between dreaming and waking up again! This means no morning grogginess here—just pure rejuvenation at its finest!

The Back Sleeper - My kind of Sleeping!

guy sleeping soundly

A back sleeper is the most common type of sleeper, accounting for about 74% of people in the United States. Sleeping on your back is the best way to get a good night's sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation. It's also the best position for your spine and neck, as well as breathing and heart health. Back sleepers are also more likely to snore or experience sleep apnea. When you sleep on your back, the gravitational pull of the Earth gently pushes down on the upper part of your body so that there is no strain on it and all pressure points are released from their stress positions, all of this science is amazing!

The Stomach Sleeper - the anti Social

guy sleeping soundly

Usually when they sleep like that is because they don't want to talk to you, thus that's why I called them the anti-social, just kidding.

Sleeping on your stomach is not a great idea!

just hear me out, it's hard to breathe when you're lying down, especially when you have a lot of weight pressing down on your chest. This can make it difficult for your diaphragm to move up and down, which is what makes breathing possible in the first place.

An easy way to avoid this problem is by sleeping with one pillow under each arm and another between them (like a capital letter "L"). This also has the benefit of keeping your head off the mattress while still letting you keep an eye out for any intruders who might be trying to sneak into your bedroom late at night!

Curled Up - The Fetal Position ( Big Baby)

lady sleeping in the fetal position

Curled up: this position is more common than you know, and it's also the best way if you are cold. If you're cold, your body will automatically curl up in order to protect itself from the cold. It's also known as the "fetal position," or sometimes just "the four-month-old." The reason it's called this is because it's a protective position that babies naturally take when they sleep, so it's considered the first step in learning how to snuggle. In fact, many adults who are pregnant find that this type of sleeping position helps relieve discomfort during pregnancy and makes them feel more secure.

The log: - One with the Bed

Man sleeping like a log

You're lying on your back with both arms straight down at your sides. (What are you even doing on a log? Are you trying to sleep, or become one with the bed?) LOL!

the log position is pretty simple.. sleeping on your back with your arms straight down at your sides is the classic log position. The log is the one you're most likely to fall into naturally. The logic behind it is that your body goes from being horizontal to vertical, and then back again, during sleep. In addition, it's easier for you to roll over onto your side at night if you're already on your back instead of having to move around a lot when half-asleep in order to change positions.

Other (spooning, hugging a pillow, The Michael Jordan, etc.)

  • People have different ways of sleeping.

  • Some people sleep with a pillow, or two.

  • Some people take the whole bed when they sleep (The Michael Jordan).

  • Some people need to cuddle to fall asleep.

  • And some people sleep with their arms wrapped around one pillow and another person!

There are many ways to sleep and people seem to choose one of five ways.

As you're reading this, you may be in bed and about to drift off to sleep. Perhaps now is a good time for introspection about your sleeping habits.

You see, humans tend to sleep on their sides, backs, stomachs or curled up on the ground and then there are those who prefer other positions (like spooning or hugging a pillow). In fact, there's even research that suggests that humans have evolved such that we sleep in these different ways because they help us get better rest at night.

Based on this information, it seems like learning more about yourself could help determine which position(s) of slumber suit your needs best—and make sure you get plenty of shut-eye each night!

I think that people should sleep however they want, as long as it doesn’t negatively affect their health. If you have any questions about sleeping habits or would like some advice on how to improve your own sleep, check out healthy sleeping patterns post.

We hope you found this post helpful. The next time someone asks you what your favorite way of sleeping is, you can refer them here!



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