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Think You Know Weight Loss? Think Again

Writer: Travel To SleepTravel To Sleep

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

The path to weight loss is rarely a straight line.

You might be trying your best, but still end up frustrated by your progress (or lack thereof).

I've seen these trends play out over and over again. Here are some common struggles people have when it comes to weight loss:

You've been exercising regularly and have been eating relatively healthy. You're starting to feel good about your progress, but then you see the scale has barely budged.

You've been exercising regularly and have been eating relatively healthy. You're starting to feel good about your progress, but then you see the scale has barely budged.

Don't get discouraged! Remember that there are many factors that affect weight loss and gain (like muscle gain), so don't let a small setback derail your progress. Don't be too hard on yourself either—it's important not to beat yourself up over every little slip-up or failure; instead, try telling yourself that "this is just part of the process" or "the important thing is how I feel."

Remember that there are many factors that affect weight loss and gain (like muscle gain), so don't let a small setback derail your progress. Don't be too hard on yourself either—it's important not to beat yourself up over every little slip-up or failure; instead, try telling yourself that "this is just part of the process" or "the important thing is how I feel."

If you are struggling with weight loss and you want a change click here and start!

You overeat at a meal. Afterward you think, "I'll start over tomorrow." But then you make excuses and don't get back on track until the following week.

All too often, people get caught in a cycle of defeat. They overeat at a meal and feel guilty about it.

The next day they think: "I'll start over tomorrow." But then they don't get back on track until the following week. One bad day becomes two bad days, which become three bad days…and so on.

This kind of thinking keeps you trapped in an endless cycle of self-loathing and guilt that prevents you from ever feeling like you've truly made progress toward your goals. Don't let one bad day ruin your week or one bad meal ruin your day—the key is to forgive yourself for mistakes along the way!

You're trying to stick to a regular exercise routine and do well at first, but eventually you give up.

Being overweight has a huge impact on your health, and the best way to combat that is through exercise. As soon as you start exercising regularly, you will notice a difference in how your body feels, but it can be difficult to maintain that routine when life gets in the way. You should never feel bad about not making it to the gym on any given day, as long as you are doing something physical every other day or so.

It's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to losing weight; everyone needs their own method of success! If this means that you need some time away from the gym because life has been busy lately, then take a break for a few days and then go back at it again when things calm down. Remember: exercise is fun—and if all else fails (or even if everything else is going well), try thinking about how great exercising makes you feel!

On the days when your workouts were mediocre or bad, you are exhausted afterward. On the days when your workouts were exceptional, you are energized afterward.

There are many days when you feel like skipping exercise. But if you’re anything like me, on the days when your workouts were bad or mediocre, you are exhausted afterward.

On the days when your workouts were exceptional (and I’m not talking about some kind of super-human feat here), you are energized and motivated afterward to keep going with your routine.

The key is finding something that makes exercise fun for you. If it’s something that gets boring easily or doesn't inspire much excitement in yourself, then try something else! Maybe running isn't for everyone—there are plenty of ways to get moving without jogging around at a steady pace. There's no right answer as long as it works for *you*.

Your motivation lasts for several days or weeks until something happens (a stressful event, a random craving that's impossible to resist, etc.). Then it takes you a while to get back on track. Just when you think you're making progress, something else happens and sets you back again. The cycle continues with no end in sight.

Motivation does Not Work!

Waiting to feel to workout at the long run always losses.

If you don't have a strong enough reason for wanting to lose weight, it will be difficult for you to stick with your plan and reach the goal that's important to you. It's important not only to have a good reason but also one that is meaningful and personal.

  • You need determination

  • Your why has to be larger then the feeling (It has to come to a point where you are done being over weight and your determine to change NOW).

  • You need to make a schedule EVERYDAY at the same time to go and workout 30 to 60 hours everyday.(This is key for it to work).

  • Best time to workout is in the morning. (I have done all the deferent time zone in the day to workout and I have notice that the best time is always in the morning).

Why workout in the Morning?

I have seen that in our everyday struggle will life, things just happened. What do I mean by that? Let's say your time to work out is after work that's when life gets complicated and little things stop you from working out examples you get home and the kid's needs help with their assignments in school or you you need to cook or let's say someone in the family had an emergency or let's say it's a Friday and your friends want to go out to the movies have some drinks next thing you know you didn't work out and that is going to keep happening over and over and over and over again.


Now if you work in the morning one of the best things is you are energized your mind is focused there's no garbage from traffic jams or bad reviews and work you are completely clean of the everyday crap and it's something happens like going out to have some drinks doing the dishes having an emergency in the family anything you have realized that you already worked out and you did your part and you're done.

Once I've learned this you are going to feel amazing because every time things like life happens you're going to go attend the situation that occurred and when you doing it you are going to remember oh my God I already worked out today and you can do everything else and feel great that you already did your part and if you do this everyday or at least Monday to Friday this little habit will catch on and you eventually will one day look in the mirror and be in shape.

If you are struggling with weight loss and you want a change click here and start!

We can't expect ourselves or others around us not too get frustrated when things don't go exactly as planned; however, this doesn't mean they aren't good people with reasonable expectations who want nothing but happiness for those around them! Being kind means being patient with yourself while still working toward long-term goals rather than short-term quick fixes that won't give lasting results anyway."

Learn how to be kinder to yourself so that setbacks are less likely to derail your weight loss journey in the future

  • Be kind. Learn to be kinder to yourself, and you'll start seeing positive results.

  • Become aware of your self-talk. Identify the negative thoughts that run through your head when you're feeling discouraged or unmotivated, and replace them with positive ones. For example: instead of saying "I can't do this," try saying "I have done this." The former puts a damper on your motivation, while the latter boosts it!

  • Don't compare yourself to others' journeys. If someone else seems like they're further along in their weight loss journey than you are,

it doesn't mean their methods are superior—or even right for them—it just means they're more dedicated than you currently are at this moment in time! Instead of looking at other people's paths as yardsticks against which yours should be measured (and inevitably found wanting), focus on what matters right now: making steady progress towards your goal every day by doing something small but meaningful (such as scheduling exercise into your daily routine).

No matter what, you should always try to treat yourself with kindness. If you've been struggling with weight loss and want to stick with it long term, learning how to be kinder to yourself will be a huge benefit. You'll feel better about the progress you make, even if that progress is slow. And hopefully setbacks won't derail your weight loss journey in the future.

If you are struggling with weight loss and you want a change click here and start!



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