What is Sleep hygiene?
Sleep hygiene is a set of practices that help you fall asleep and stay asleep. It's also about getting enough sleep and the right quality of sleep.

If you want to have a good night's sleep, you need to make sure your lifestyle is conducive to sleep. This means avoiding the things that can keep you awake at night, and doing those things that help your body wind down and get ready for bed. Sleep hygiene includes doing things before bedtime to promote relaxation, such as taking a warm bath or reading a book. The following tips will help you improve your sleep hygiene:
Have a consistent sleep schedule and routine

Sleep hygiene is the practice of creating an environment that supports healthy sleep and encourages it to occur at regular times every day. When your body has a predictable schedule, it's easier to fall asleep and wake up at the same time each day; this makes falling into bed easy, since you're already tired!
Establish a relaxing bedtime routine that ends in bed with lights out and no electronics (phones or tablets). This can be anything from taking a warm bath or shower with lavender-scented soap to listening to soothing music (try classical) until you feel ready for sleep—but no matter what your ritual is, make sure it's the same thing each night so that when you get into bed at night, there's nothing stopping your brain from turning off and allowing restful slumber!
Limit your use of electronic devices before bed

Electronic devices, like your smartphone or tablet, emit bright blue light that can interfere with your body's natural sleep cycle. This is because the brain perceives it as daylight and thinks it's time to stay awake.
To prevent this from happening, make sure that you stop using electronics at least one hour before bed and avoid them altogether if you're having trouble sleeping. If you need to work on something important, use a laptop or desktop computer instead of an iPad or iPhone so that its screen won't keep you up later than necessary.
Make your bedroom as dark as possible

Use blackout curtains and window shades during the day and at night.
If you are using a sleep mask, make sure it doesn’t block out too much of the light. You want to be able to see the alarm clock so that you wake up when it goes off!
Avoid blue light from electronics before bedtime (including your phone). This includes reducing brightness or turning down the brightness on your computer or tablet display.
Use a low wattage nightlight in case of emergencies – but do not use other types of lights in your room as they may interfere with natural circadian rhythms.
Exercise regularly during the day, but not too close to your bedtime

Exercise regularly during the day, but not too close to your bedtime.
Think about it: If you run five miles before heading home for dinner and then collapse into bed, chances are you're going to be pretty drained. That's not ideal for getting a good night's rest. The best way to ensure better sleep is by exercising earlier in the day—but don't do it too close to your normal bedtime!
Avoid eating a large meal right before you go to sleep

If you're craving a hearty meal before bed, don't put it off. Instead, eat something light and healthy, like a salad or yogurt. Avoid spicy foods and carbonated drinks because they can cause indigestion and heartburn. Also avoid caffeine and alcohol in the hours leading up to bedtime because these stimulants keep your mind active for longer than necessary. Finally, avoid nicotine because it has been shown to be an irritant that may contribute to restlessness during sleep (Nicotine cessation).
Chew gum if you need something else in your mouth besides food!
Good sleep hygiene is key to having a consistent and restful sleep experience
If you're not sleeping well, it can be difficult to stay healthy. That's why it's important to have good sleep hygiene. By doing this you will give yourself healthy sleep habits in order to waking up refreshed and energized.
Establish a bedtime routine: going to bed at the same time every night helps your body know when it's time to rest
Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet: this helps your brain get ready for sleep
Avoid caffeine too close to bedtime: try having an afternoon snack instead
I hope that you enjoyed my sleep hygiene tips, and wish you a great restful night of sleep!