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Miracle Drink that will Cleanse Your Body Naturally

Writer: Travel To SleepTravel To Sleep

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Do you feel sluggish, tired and just plain unhealthy? Do you want to wake up feeling refreshed and energized? Then this is the article for you! I'm going to share my tried and tested method for cleansing your body naturally.

lime with water

1/2 lemon


You may be surprised to learn that lemon is actually a great source of vitamin C. In fact, one small lemon contains about 50 milligrams of this essential nutrient. This is about 20 percent of what you need for the day!

In addition to being rich in vitamin C, lemons are also high in water content and antioxidants. The juice from a freshly squeezed lemon is an excellent way to increase your daily fluid intake without adding much extra sugar or sodium.

3/4 cup natural apple juice

apple juice

3/4 cup natural apple juice is a great way to cleanse the body naturally. Apple juice has many benefits and it can be used on several parts of your body. It’s good for your skin, hair, teeth and heart. The best part is that you don’t even have to drink it! Just apply it directly onto your skin or hair for some natural cleansing goodness.

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, a good source of potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus—as well as iron.

The reason it’s so good for cleansing your body is because it creates an alkaline environment in the stomach that helps kill off harmful bacteria and parasites.

2 tablespoons raw Honey


Honey is a natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent. It’s also an antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and soothes itching. So it actually fights acne as well as being full of vitamins like A and C that are great for your skin.

1 cup pure Filtered Water

Glass of water

And you thought the only thing that was going to be clean was your kitchen counter.

Let's talk about water. If you’ve ever tried to drink filtered water, then you know how hard it can be to find a good one. People usually buy filters that are cheap and don't really hydrate their body as well as they think they do. You have to use a good quality filter if you want high-quality results!

Filtered water is better for your health: filtered water contains less chlorine than tap or bottled water which means it doesn't have any of the chemicals found in tap or bottled water like fluoride, chromium or lead from old pipes in older homes (if yours has old pipes). These chemicals can cause stomach issues over time if consumed too much of them leading to dehydration which leads back into...

This is a natural drink to cleansing your body

The best way to start your day is not with a cup of coffee or tea, but with a glass of this cleansing drink. This beverage can be enjoyed at any time of the day and has many health benefits. It will help you feel energized, focused, and clear-headed throughout your day.

  • One of the best things about this drink is that it's full of antioxidants that reduce inflammation in your body.*

  • In addition, it contains vitamin C which helps improve your immune system.

Well, we hope that you enjoyed the taste of this cleansing drink and that it helped you to feel better. If there is one thing we want everyone to understand about natural cleansing, it’s that it can be easy



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