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Manage Your Anxiety

Writer: Travel To SleepTravel To Sleep

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

Mental health is a very serious issue, but it's also one that can be managed with the right techniques. That's why I've put together this list of anxiety management techniques that will help you manage your stress and anxiety levels.

What is Anxiety?

Man having anxiety at work

Anxiety is not a sign of weakness. It's a normal reaction to stress, and it's completely natural for your body to feel anxious when you're facing something that seems overwhelming or frightening. Anxiety helps us protect ourselves from danger.

It's also not just one thing: anxiety can take many forms, such as nervousness about an upcoming test or about your job performance, general stress about life in general (the latter is often called “generalized anxiety disorder”), and panic attacks—which are intense moments of fear that make it hard for you to catch your breath.* But all these forms have one thing in common: they're caused by an overactive fight-or-flight response triggered by the brain and body reacting to a perceived threat—and they can be treated with similar approaches

Notice when you are having anxiety and label it as such.

Lady having anxiety

When you feel the signs of anxiety, it's time to start labeling them.

Remember: Anxiety is a problem only if you don't know it's there! If you're not aware that the symptoms of anxiety exist, then how can you manage them? How can you identify what triggers your anxiety and cause more problems down the line?

It's important to learn how to recognize these signals so that when they happen, they don't take over your life.

Cure Social Anxiety

Learn how to deal with social Anxiety


Assess your anxiety level on a scale of 1-10

(1 being super calm, 10 being extremely anxious).

It's important to assess your anxiety level before you begin trying to manage it. This will help you understand where you stand and what strategies will work best for you.

Use the scale on the following page to assess your current state of mind:

1-10 (1 being super calm, 10 being extremely anxious)

  • 1-4: come back when you're feeling calmer

  • 5-6: great! Let's get started!

Breathe in for 3 seconds, out for 3 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Young lady listening to music

Listening to music can be a great way to calm down. Studies show that listening to music helps people feel more relaxed and less anxious, so why not try it out?

Take a deep breath in for 3 seconds and then breathe out for 3 seconds. Repeat this 5 times, focusing on your breathing rather than what's going on around you. This will help you relax and focus on the present moment instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on past mistakes. The simple act of concentrating on your breath will help take some of the pressure off as well!

Use a grounding technique, such as squeezing a stress ball or hugging your dog.

  • Breathe in and out slowly.

  • Focus on your breath.

  • Think about the present moment and what you're doing at that moment, whether it's reading this article or something else.

  • Use a grounding technique, such as squeezing a stress ball or hugging your dog.

Try a positive self-talk strategy, such as affirmations

(I can do this) or self-compassion (I am kind to myself).

When you're anxious, it's hard to think clearly and rationally. This is why you need to find ways to manage your anxiety that don't rely on your brainpower. Positive self-talk strategies can help you do this by re-focusing your attention away from the negative thoughts that are making you feel anxious and onto something more positive.

Examples of positive self-talk strategies include affirmations (I can do this) or self-compassion (I am kind to myself). Both are ways of talking yourself down from an anxious state of mind, focusing on what makes sense rather than what doesn't—and both work by keeping anxiety at bay while allowing you to focus on other things that need doing instead of letting worry keep you paralyzed in place!

Catch yourself when you think negatively about your anxiety and counter it with a rational thought

(My nervousness will pass.)

  • You are not your anxiety.

  • Your anxiety is a temporary state that will pass.

  • Don’t allow yourself to be defined by it.

Young lady having anxiety in a park

Catch yourself when you think negatively about your anxiety and counter it with a rational thought (My nervousness will pass.) Use positive affirmations: “I am strong and capable of handling this situation with ease,” or “I am resilient and can handle this situation with strength and grace." Use grounding techniques—such as deep breathing or mindful awareness—to bring yourself out of the moment and back into the present moment.

Use positive self-talk:

  • Instead of saying “I feel like I'm going crazy!” say something like “My mind is racing right now but that's okay because there's nothing wrong with me having an active imagination."

  • Use distractions—go for a walk outside, call up a friend on the phone for chatting about subjects unrelated to your worries or concerns, watch TV instead of thinking about what could go wrong at work tomorrow morning when you need everyone else's help completing tasks before deadlines fall due...

You can lessen your anxiety through these easy techniques!

You can learn to manage your anxiety. To do so, you must first recognize when you are feeling anxious. When you are aware of your feelings, it will be easier for you to control them and find appropriate ways to deal with them.

lady having anxiety

There are many ways in which people deal with anxiety. Some use breathing exercises while others choose distraction methods such as playing video games or watching television. Sometimes these methods work but other times they don’t because they aren’t the right fit for the individual dealing with anxiety issues. The key is finding what works best for each person individually and using this technique whenever possible until it becomes second nature—like breathing!

You can also practice positive self-talk when dealing with a stressful situation by telling yourself things like “I know I can do this!” or “Everything will be okay soon enough!” This helps take some pressure off since we tend not worry about things as much once we think positively about them; thus making it easier for us to focus on what needs completing instead of worrying about how hard everything might get later on down the road (which sometimes happens).

Cure Social Anxiety

Learn how to deal with social Anxiety


This is just a sample! You can use these helpful tips to manage your anxiety in all sorts of situations. Remember that you are not alone, and there are many others who experience anxiety and understand what it’s like to overcome it.

If you are looking for a Anxiety book,

on Amazon has over 3k reviews and got 4.6 out 5 star rating.

The Anxiety and Worry book - Amazon Book



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