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Alkaline Diet

Writer: Travel To SleepTravel To Sleep

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

The alkaline diet is a dietary plan that claims to help you achieve better health, despite the lack of scientific evidence for its effectiveness.

fruits, vegetables and certain grains you can balance your body's pH level and reduce inflammation.

The concept behind the alkaline diet is that by eating foods that are more alkaline than acidic which includes fruits, vegetables and certain grains you can balance your body's pH level and reduce inflammation. Proponents of this diet also say it can help with weight loss and boost energy levels. While there's no hard evidence that an alkaline diet (also known as the Alkaline Water Cure or Oasis Diet) delivers these benefits, some people may find success with it if they make other healthy changes as well such as exercise regularly and manage their stress levels better.

What is Alkaline Diet?

An alkaline diet is a diet that's based on the idea that certain foods can make the body more alkaline than acidic. Proponents of this approach believe that an overly acidic environment in our bodies may cause us to become sick, or even develop cancer. Some proponents also claim that an alkaline diet can help people lose weight and experience other health benefits. However, there's little evidence to support these claims, and some experts question whether they're based on sound science.

Eat foods with a high alkalizing effect on the body.

The key to making sure the foods you eat are alkalizing is to limit your intake of acidic foods, which include:

  • processed meats and refined carbohydrates (rice, pasta)

  • sugar and artificial sweeteners

  • dairy products that aren't raw or fermented (soy milk isn't recommended either)

The following is a list of alkaline-forming foods that you can use as replacements for the abovementioned items:

Grains and Starchy Vegetables

vegetables are great source of vitamins for the body

Grains and starchy vegetables, like potatoes and corn, are among the healthiest foods you can eat. These foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. They’re also low in calories—both of these factors help keep your body weight down over time.

Grains include breads made from wheat flour; barley; oats; bulgur (a wheat product); rye bread; couscous (wheat bran) pasta; rice noodles.


  • Fruits are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

  • They’re low in calories and high in fiber (which helps you feel full).

  • Many fruits are also an excellent source of antioxidants.

  • Examples include bananas, grapefruits, apples (with the skin on), pears, peaches/nectarines etc.

Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, cashews, pecans, peanuts and other nuts are a good source of protein.

Almonds, cashews, pecans, peanuts and other nuts are a good source of protein. In fact, they contain more protein than meat! The healthy fats in these nuts also help you feel full and prevent overeating.

Nuts are high in fiber which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system and keeping you regular. They contain almost every vitamin and mineral your body needs except for Vitamin D which can be synthesized by your skin when exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Nuts are also high in antioxidants that protect against cancer cell growth as well as reduce inflammation caused by chronic stress or allergies such as asthma attacks or sinus infections


  • Beans and other legumes, including lentils and peas, are high in fiber and protein.

  • Beans are an excellent source of iron, zinc, folate (folic acid), magnesium, antioxidants and phytonutrients. The fiber in beans helps to prevent constipation while reducing the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels.

  • Beans contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation in the body while improving brain health.

Milk and Dairy Products

Milk, cheese, yogurt and kefir are some of the foods that make up part of the alkaline diet. The amount of protein and calcium they contain help your body maintain healthy bones and muscles. These dairy products also contain vitamin D which helps keep your immune system strong and may even help prevent cancer.

However, these foods are high in saturated fat which can cause digestive issues when eaten in large quantities. We recommend limiting your intake of dairy products to no more than one serving per day.


Eggs are a great source of protein

Eggs are a great source of protein. Eggs also contain vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D and selenium. They also provide riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, phosphorus and zinc.

Oils, Fats, Sauces, and Condiments

Avoid processed and refined oils. These include:

  • Canola oil

  • Corn oil

  • Hydrogenated vegetable oils (like Crisco)

  • Margarine or butter substitutes, such as Smart Balance or Promise Light Buttery Spreads.


If you're looking to lose weight or simply improve your health, it's important to avoid all of these sweeteners. You'll find them in virtually every processed food from soda to salad dressing and ready-to-eat meals.

Sucralose (Splenda) is a common artificial sweetener that many people reach for when trying to cut calories or lose weight. However, this synthetic compound may cause digestive issues including gas, bloating and diarrhea—especially when consumed in large quantities. Even worse: Sucralose has been linked with an increased risk of certain cancers including leukemia (cancer of the white blood cells).

Aspartame has also been linked with serious complications such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease according to studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health as well as The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). The European Food Safety Authority even went so far as classifying Aspartame as "tentatively carcinogenic" based on animal studies demonstrating high rates of lymphomas/leukemias following long term exposure at levels above acceptable daily intake limits set by regulatory agencies around the world!


  • Alcohol

  • Coffee, tea, and soda (diet or regular)

  • Milk

  • Water

Foods to Avoid or Limit on an Alkaline Diet

The foods to avoid or limit on an alkaline diet include:

  • Soda, alcohol, coffee and tea.

  • Red meat, processed meat and pork. It is best for people with a weak stomach to avoid all red meats as they can be difficult to digest. Processed meats such as hot dogs or sausages are also not recommended because they contain large amounts of sodium nitrite which has been linked to cancer risks.

  • Butter, margarine and lard. These should be replaced with healthier fats like olive oil or flax seed oil instead of buttery spreads that contribute to weight gain and high cholesterol levels in your body.

  • Peanuts/peanut butter/peanut oil - peanuts are legumes so they are considered high GI carbohydrates which should be avoided if you're following an alkaline diet. They also contain lectins that could cause leaky gut syndrome which can lead to autoimmune disorders like diabetes type 1 (3), multiple sclerosis (4) or even thyroid problems like Hashimoto's disease .

Alkaline Diet Pros

Eating more alkaline foods can help you lose weight. An acidic body is thought to be one reason why some people gain weight. The experts at Harvard Medical School point out that many studies show that diets high in animal proteins and fats, as well as grains (especially refined grains) can cause an acidic build-up in the body. Furthermore, they also explain that because plants are generally alkaline-forming, eating a lot of them may help restore your body's pH balance and enhance metabolism so you burn off fat more efficiently.

  • It reduces inflammation in the body. Inflammation is known by many as "the silent killer" because it can lead to all sorts of chronic diseases like arthritis or heart disease if left untreated for long enough periods of time—and it's difficult to treat if you don't know what's causing it! By following an alkaline diet plan, however, which emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables over processed foods full of preservatives or additives like artificial coloring agents found in sodas with artificial sweeteners on top; being mindful about avoiding processed meats such as hot dogs; eating lean cuts such as chicken breast instead ground beef patties when making're less likely seeing any signs associated with excess inflammation due simply because these items contain fewer things that could potentially cause problems down the road."

The alkaline diet is a healthy way of eating that will help you lose weight, improve your energy levels and make sure that your body stays in balance. To follow this type of diet, you will need to cut out some foods from your life completely like processed foods or sugar but don't worry, there are plenty of delicious alternatives!


If you are looking for a cookbook in Alkaline Diet,

The Alkaline Diet for Beginners

on Amazon has over 420 reviews and got 4.4 out 5 star rating.

Get it Now!

Jennifer Koslo RND (Author)


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