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AIP Diet

Writer: Travel To SleepTravel To Sleep

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

What is the AIP Diet?

The autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet is a way to remove foods that may be causing inflammation in the body. Autoimmune healer? Although the AIP is not a cure for autoimmune diseases, it can help reduce symptoms and improve overall health. The AIP diet isn’t restrictive, but it does require some diligence in order to follow its guidelines correctly.

Step 1: Eliminate

The first step to following the AIP Diet is to eliminate all grains and legumes.

This means no:

  • wheat

  • corn

  • Rice

  • Oats

  • Rye

  • Quinoa

  • Amaranth

  • Buckwheat

Dairy products should be cut out as well:

  • Milk (including soy milk)

  • Yogurt (including coconut yogurt)

  • Butter

  • Cheese ice cream etc.

as well as any other dairy product you may normally eat such as whey protein powder or almond milk creamer.

Step 2: Reintroduce

  • Reintroduce. Once you've identified which foods your body can tolerate, try to reintroduce them slowly, one at a time. Start with foods that you have been eating for the longest amount of time and wait a few weeks before adding new ones in. If you notice any symptoms during or after eating the food, stop eating it for a few weeks and see how your body responds. If you don't experience any negative effects from consuming this food again, add another back into your diet and repeat the process until all your favorite foods are back on the menu!

Eliminate Nightshades

The nightshade family of vegetables includes potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes and peppers.

beautiful red tomatoes

Gooseberries and chili peppers are also part of the nightshade family. The spices cayenne pepper and paprika are also in this category. Nightshades can be a problem for people with autoimmune disease because they contain alkaloids that may irritate the digestive tract and lead to inflammation in your body.

If you have an autoimmune condition such as arthritis or Lupus then you should avoid these foods completely until you heal your gut lining with probiotics or other supplements like glutamine peptides which help repair damaged tissues within joints through its anti-inflammatory effects on cytokines (proteins) that cause inflammation which leads to pain).

Eliminate Eggs

Eggs are a common food sensitivity. Eggs are high in cholesterol and can cause inflammation, an immune response that is the root cause of many autoimmune diseases. They also contain proteins such as albumin, ovalbumin and ovotransferrin which have all been shown to trigger allergic reactions. These proteins can also trigger asthma, acne and migraines in some people.

If you're wondering whether you should eliminate eggs from your diet for AIP purposes, consider how much better you feel when eating egg-free foods instead of those containing eggs (such as baked goods). If eliminating them helps you feel better overall then it's likely worth doing.

Eliminate Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are high in omega-6 fatty acids.

Nuts and seeds are high in omega-6 fatty acids. This is a problem because the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 should be 4:1, but most people have an imbalance of 20:1 or higher! You can read more about the importance of this ratio in our article on essential fatty acids.

Nuts also contain phytic acid, which prevents absorption of important minerals like calcium and magnesium.

The soaked nuts you buy at Whole Foods probably still have this issue because they are not soaked long enough to remove all the phytic acid (for tips on how to properly soak your nuts and seeds, check out our guide).

Additionally, nuts are rich in lectins that cause inflammation throughout your body and saponins that can block nutrient absorption even further. It's easy to see why eliminating them from your diet would help with autoimmune disease symptoms.

Eliminate Fruits

In short, all fruits are eliminated.

Fruit is a high sugar food. Sugar creates inflammation in the body and disrupts your immune system. Fruit also contains fructose which can be inflammatory for some people. Some of the most common fruit allergies include: apples, cherries, peaches, plums and apricots as well as citrus fruits like mandarins or oranges (which are technically considered to be a berry).

berries are high carbohydrate

Fruit is a high carbohydrate food which raises blood sugar levels higher than any other macro-nutrient we eat (carbohydrates). This causes an increase in insulin production which further feeds gut dysbiosis (leaky gut), inflammation and autoimmune conditions like celiac disease or Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease such as Crohn's Disease / Ulcerative Colitis / Rheumatoid Arthritis / Psoriasis / Psoriatic Arthritis then eating excessive amounts of sugary carbohydrates from fruit will activate these autoantibodies against yourself!

Eliminate Dairy

Eliminate Dairy.

Dairy is an inflammatory food, and for many people it causes digestive distress. It’s also one of the most common food sensitivities, as well as a common allergen. If you have any symptoms that suggest dairy intolerance (like bloating or constipation), eliminating dairy from your diet is a good place to start the AIP journey.

delicious white cheese

Chances are you’ll still be able to enjoy some yogurt and cheese on occasion—but if your body doesn't agree with them, they should be avoided altogether. Look out for these ingredients in processed foods: whey powder; casein; buttermilk solids; milk solids; lactose; sodium caseinate; cream/milk fats and oils; butterfat solids/caseinates/whey protein isolate/lactose-free milk solids

The AIP is a complicated diet, but it can help people who have had health issues related to food sensitivities or autoimmune diseases.

The AIP diet has the potential to help people who have had health issues related to food sensitivities or autoimmune diseases. The diet is not a cure for all health conditions, and it’s important that you talk with your doctor before starting any new diet.

There are many diets that may be better suited for your needs, including Paleo, DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), South Beach, Weight Watchers, Low-Carbohydrate Diets (Atkins), Mediterranean Diet and others. If you have been put on an elimination diet by a doctor, we suggest following their recommendations instead of this one as they may have more experience using these types of diets in the treatment of specific disorders.

The AIP is known for being restrictive in nature which makes it difficult for people who want variety in their meals or don’t like cooking elaborate meals from scratch every day or two (as long as they're sticking with approved ingredients).

Hand with a no writing on it.

It can also be expensive if buying certain foods online rather than at local grocery stores/markets because shipping costs will add up quickly depending on how much you order each week/monthly subscription box service such as Thrive Market offer discounts when purchasing items through them instead so keep this option open if possible!

The AIP is a difficult diet to follow and it can be challenging to maintain. However, the results can be worth all the effort. If you have an autoimmune disease or food sensitivities, consider giving the AIP a try, just remember to talk to your doctor before starting.


If you are looking for a cookbook in AIP Diet,

The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners

on Amazon has over 13,500 reviews and got 4.4 out 5 star rating.

Get it Now!

Emily Kyle MS RDN CLT HCP (Author), Chef Phil Kyle (Author)


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