Keeping your mind sharp is a lot like keeping your muscle tone: It's not easy, but it's possible. If you want to stay sharp as you age, here are a few tips from experts on how to make that happen.

Keep Your Physical Body in Shape

Physical Activity and Exercise. Exercise is crucial for the mind, body and soul. It has been shown to improve memory, focus, creativity and mood in adults of all ages. Getting out there and moving can help you stay motivated and focused on what matters most to you. Try any type of physical activity that gets your heart beating at a fast pace for at least 30 minutes per day (about 5 days per week). This could include walking briskly or running around the block; dancing with friends; playing tennis or basketball at the park; swimming laps in your pool; participating in yoga classes at local gyms or studios; taking an active hobby like rock climbing or kayaking – whatever fits into your lifestyle!
Be Curious, Make an Effort to Learn New Things

Being curious is one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp.
Make an effort to learn new things, even if you don’t want to. The more you know about your field and other fields, the better you’ll be at what you do. Staying curious will help with this as well because it encourages lifelong learning, which is key for staying relevant in any industry or job role.
Challenge Your Mind with Puzzles and Games

There are plenty of ways to challenge your mind and keep it sharp. The best way to find a puzzle or game that resonates with you is by experimenting with different options and seeing which ones stick. Try out some logic puzzles, like Sudoku or crosswords, or play word games like Scrabble or Boggle. You might even want to try playing chess or checkers with family members, friends or coworkers at lunchtime—it's good for memory retention! And if that doesn't sound challenging enough for you, try learning a new language (or brushing up on an old one).
Eat Well and Stay Hydrated

Stay hydrated. It's not just about water--you need to be drinking enough of it, but also eating foods that will keep your skin and organs healthy. What does drinking well mean?
Drink water. Not sugary drinks, not alcohol, and definitely no soda pop!
Stay away from processed foods (the ones with a long list of ingredients they can't even pronounce). Instead, opt for eating fruits and vegetables whenever possible—and don't forget the ol' standard: eat your greens!
Avoid too much salt in your diet—just one teaspoon per day is all you need—because it can make you retain fluid or become dehydrated if you consume too much of it over time.
The secret to a sharp mind is keeping the rest of your body healthy.

Keep your body healthy.
Exercise is important for a good brain, so make time for it! Running and other aerobic exercises have been shown to boost blood flow to the brain and help keep it young. Besides that, exercise has been found to reduce stress levels and improve sleeping habits (two things that are closely related).
Eat well: munching on some fruit or nuts every once in a while won't hurt your efforts at sharpening your mind either
Stay social: interacting with others is important for staying mentally fit - if we were all alone all the time, we'd likely lose our minds! A simple conversation with someone can help you stay alert due to how much mental energy goes into thinking about what they're saying.
If you want to keep your mind sharp, it's important to look after the rest of your body too. This means eating well, getting enough sleep and exercise, and taking care of any mental health problems that may arise as you get older.